Vitality Doesn’t Have to Be a Distant Dream

Regular symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, heartburn or even fatigue aren’t normal. Sure these symptoms can happen on a rare occasion and not cause any sense of concern, but if they are a regular part of life or even happen occasionally, there is a reason.

The human body is an amazing machine that runs on a precise rhythm that is determined by enzymes, hormones, and other chemical processes in the body. When these chemical messengers are interrupted or fall on deaf ears (i.e. the receiving organ system doesn’t respond), symptoms form. Ignoring these symptoms is like someone ignoring an urgent call for help; the symptoms will persist until the problem is addressed via medication (which often doesn’t fix the problem but just masks symptoms) or actually fixing the root of the problem.

Let’s look at some of the symptoms that people often ignore, perhaps just chalking it up to aging or family history.

·         Heartburn

·         Diarrhea

·         Regular stomach aches

·         Constipation

·         Skin rashes

·         Acne

·         Brain fog/problems concentrating

·         IBS

·         Joint pain

·         Autoimmune Disease

·         Hormonal imbalances

·         The list goes on and on…

None of these are normal. The human genome has been mapped and though there are a few genetic susceptibilities to specific diseases, 90% of diseases start from the same source: inflammation.

The symptoms and conditions listed above are the result of inflammation. It manifests differently for different people, but it all starts from the same thing. Inflammation is the result of poor diet, toxic burden, poor sleep quality, digestive dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, lack of exercise and more. To identify the source of the inflammation I use functional labs, which go beyond questionnaires and look at your cellular health, bacterial balance/imbalance, hormonal dysfunction, mineral levels, and stress levels.

Do you know what is driving your inflammation? For the next month I will be sharing some details about common sources of inflammation and holistic methods of addressing them. My goal is to help you find a natural balance and rhythm to your body so that you can improve (and perhaps eliminate) symptoms naturally.

Won’t you join me? I love to hear what specific things you’d like to learn about. Share your thoughts or questions with me via and your question could be one of the topics addressed in the next newsletter.

Together we can find balance and reduce inflammation so that you can enjoy a happy, healthy, energetic vitality rather than wishing it was yours. Won’t you join me?


Inflammation: The Root and Response


Selenium: The Missing Nutrient